Wildlife Service
Having a problem with Rats, Mice and squirrels? No problem. Contact us and we can help you get rid of this from your premises.We also deal with moles tearing your yard.
Rats & Mice
- Commensal Rodents (Live a symbiotic life benefiting from association with man, with man benefiting from the in any way.)
- Have sharp teeth for gnawing
- Eat and spoil food
- Causes fire through gnawing on electrical wires
- Causes Plague ( a bacterial disease which is deadly)
- Causes Pneumonic plague (highly contagious)
- Marine typhus ( a rickettsial disease transmitted to man by fleas of infected feces rubbed into skin)
- Rickettsial pox is transmitted to human from mice by mites
- Salmonellosis (bacterial food poisoning)
- Rat-bite fever ( from rat saliva)
- Wells Disease (transmitted to man via urine in water and food)
- Dysentery
- Poor Vision (3-4 feet). Color blind
House Mice
- Small mammal (1/2-1 oz)
- Large ears and eyes
- Dark gray on the back and light gray on belly
- Live about 1 year
- 4-7 pups per litter and 8 litters per year (born blind and weaned 3-4 weeks and sexually mature in 5-8 weeks)
- Nest inside in walls, furniture or utilities and outside
- Feeding range 10-30 feet mainly at night on cereals, seeds, meats, sweets, and candy
- Nibble at food 20-30 times a night and a little water from food.
- Very curious (explores new objects)
Norway Rat
- Stock body, 12-16 oz.
- Well adapted for cold weather due to coarse fur
- Blunt Nose, small ears and eyes scaly tail shorter than head and body combined
- Droppings are capsule-shaped (blank on at least one end).
- Live about 1 year
- 8-12 pups/litter and 4-7 litters/year ( Born blind and weaned in 10-15 days and sexually mature in 3 months). Females can mate 1-2 days after birth.
- live in colonies (social) and prefer on ground and burrow but will climb
- Live in barns, granaries, silos, buildings, sewers, dumps and lake or river banks.
- Feed on garbage, cereal, fish, fruits, meats, animal feed, cockroaches, small mammals and birds at least 1 oz a day. Territory is 50-150 feet but can do 300 feet.
- Active at night
- Tunnels very extensively with 1 entrance and 1 or 2 escape holes concealed
Roof Rat
Mostly found in the attics of houses, trees, vines and ceiling voids.
- Very good climbers but will dig.
- The tail is longer than the body and head combined.
- Nose pointed
- Ears and eyes large
- Spindle-shaped droppings
- Feeds on fruits, nuts, vegetables and seeds.
- Can swim
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