Class Arachnida
- Have 8 legs
- Two body parts (cephalothorax and abdomen).
- No wings or antennae
- Most are beneficial as they feed on insects.
- Many species
Black Widow Spider
- Shiny black abdomen with 2 reddish or yellowish triangles underneath
- Round
- Males smaller than females
- Feeds on insects trapped in webs usually made under boards, seats and stone
- Not found in homes
- Venom affects nervous system: Causes cramps, weakness, tremors, restlessnes and difficulty in breathing and can cause death if anti-venom not administered.
Brown Recluse Spider
- Yellow to dark brown with violin-shaped mark on cephalothorax
- 3/10”- ½”
- Found in homes and other buildings (bathrooms, bedrooms, closets, garages, basements and cellars)
- Runs if disturbed
- Bee-like sting causing sores that heall slowly leaving a large ugly scar
Control of Spiders
- Vacuum
- Treat with pyrethroids and residual sprays on dark areas and corners
- Dust Attics, crawl spaces and wall voids